Presentations and Authors

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Satisfiability modulo theory and binary puzzle
Putranto Utomo
Domination Number of Vertex Amalgamation of Graphs
Yayuk Wahyuni, Moh Imam Utoyo, Slamin Slamin
Conceptual or procedural mathematics for engineering students
Saiman - Saiman, Puji Wahyuningsih, Hamdani Umar
Ubiquitous learning model using interactive internet messenger group (IIMG) to improve engagement and behaviour for smart campus
Khothibul Umam, Supeno Mardi S N, Mochamad Hariadi
Missing Data Imputation On Large and Medium Industries Survey in Sumatera Utara Using Fuzzy C-Means Optimized With Genetic Algorithm
Ervin Noderius Mei Bunawolo, Irhamah -, Brodjol Sutijo Suprih Ulama
RISALA ULFATIMAH, Mania Roswitha, Tri Atmojo Kusmayadi

The First International Conference on Communication, Language, Literature, and Culture.

Hosted by English Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret.